Thursday, October 15, 2009

Your Words are Powerful!

You may not be aware of how much power you have just in the words you use in your conversations. We all know how good we feel when someone compliments us. You have the power within you to make someone feel good just by what you say to them.

But did you know that a negative comment is 11 times more powerful than a positive one? Noted motivator, Zig Ziglar teaches that you may go up to someone and say, "I'm sick of the way you are doing this, why wasn't it done a different way?"

That may have made you feel better by venting, but you have just ruined that persons day and maybe the next 2-3 days. It all depends on how quickly 11 other people can come up to that person and provide an uplifting word. (11 people because negative is 11 times more powerful than positive.)

Assuming there are 11 cheerful people right around the corner. (Realistically, what are the odds of that happening?) Even if there are 11 people around the corner and they all say something positive, they are only going to be able to bring that person back to the level where they were before your negative comment.

Wow! You do have power! You can make someone's day or you can ruin it! What kind of a person are you? What kind of person would people say you are?

Do you want to use your power with words to make people feel good or do you want to use your power to make people feel miserable? Which is more likely to bring Glory to God?

"You might be the only Bible some people will ever read!"