Friday, December 01, 2006

It is cold in the AZ mountains.

Living in an RV has its limitations and one of them is trying to survive in an RV park when the temperature dips below, way below.... freezing.

Something we know now and even did talk about a couple of days ago is to fill the water tank and disconnect our hose that leads to the park water. Of course it froze. It didn't burst, thankfully, just froze up. No water, no how. I even was thinking of using bottled water to flush the toilet. We have a Reverse Osmosis water system and that had water in the tank so I used that and we still have the bottled water that is saved for other more normal uses.

Just an hour down the hill, I guess down the mountain, the temperatures are more moderate but we paid for a month up here and we have about a week to go yet.

The Prescott, AZ area is quite beautiful. Between Prescott and Dewey are a few traffic lights. Not nearly enough of them, though. The people who live and shop on the roads without lights, must get tired of waiting and waiting for a break in the traffic. It seems you can never get a break in traffic from both directions at one time so you do the half way system. Get out in the middle divider and wait for a break in traffic coming at you from behind. It is frightening!

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