This is a pic
ture my latest beading project.
The pink board is 9x12. In the center is a beading tapestry glued to the board. The tapestry has about 9000 beads all sewn by me one at a time. I made this for my granddaughter for her 7th birthday. An explanation of the colors is glued on the back. I picked up the board and the pink paint at Wal-Mart in the craft department.

It says " Your Mom, Dad and your bothers are always close by and you can count on them. They surround you. They are the green. Your Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts, Great Uncles and Aunts adore you. They are the pink. Jesus loves you. He surrounds you and your family. He is the yellow. You will see that sometimes the pink vine is separated from the gold and sometimes they seem to run together. That's to remind you that even if sometimes it seems that we are very close and sometimes we are far away, either way we always love you very much. But, no matter what happens with anyone else, always know that Jesus is right there with you and He just loves the sound of your voice. Made for you with love from Grandma.
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