Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Comments on the Zogby Poll from 11/26/07

Took these numbers off the Zogby poll today, 11/26/07.

If the election were between these people this is how it would turn out according to about 10,000 likely voters in a nationwide internet poll with a + / – 1.0 % points for error.

McCain 42% Clinton 38%
Guiliani 43 % Clinton 40%
Romney 43% Clinton 40%
Huckabee 44 % Clinton 39%
Thompson 44% Clinton 40%

Huckabee would win by the widest margin. And they said he was a nice guy but could never win.

But look at this---------

Mc Cain 38% Obama 45%
Guiliani 41% Obama 46%
Romney 40% Obama 46%
Huckabee 40% Obama 46%
Thompson 40% Obama 47%

If the election were held today, Obama would beat them all.

And this------------

McCain 42% Edwards 42%
Guiliani 43% Edwards 44%
Romney 42% Edwards 43%
Huckabee 42% Edwards 43%
Thompson 42% Edwards 45%

If the election were held today, Edwards would beat them all. Thank God, the election is not today!

What this says to me is that if we don’t all become active, we will be giving our country over to people who will be appointing 2-3 Supreme Court Judges. People who think you can ‘reason with’ or worse yet, appease, the terrorists who have stated over and over again that their mission in life is to convert us all or kill us all. These are people who cut off the heads of infidels (that’s us) for sport. And they stone young girls to death for getting raped because they have brought shame upon their family. These people also teach their 2-3 year olds it is good to attach a bomb to yourself for the purpose of blowing yourself and as many others as possible to smithereens. How do you negotiate with such people?

Obama and Edwards and Hillary with the help of a Democratic House and Senate and all the new judges whom they will appoint will tax us out of our will to work and mess up the health care system beyond recognition. They will take away our guns and make the United States of America a weak and vulnerable nation. If that is what you want for America, all you need do is ‘nothing’ except maybe secretly hope that someone else is doing the heavy lifting.

Whichever Republican candidate gets the nomination, of course we will get behind with enthusiasm. But please check out Mike Huckabee’s website at He will return us to the values with which we want our grandkids to grow up. He is for the Fair Tax. He will disband the IRS. He will return us to one nation “under God”. He will not take away our guns.

I know you are all busy but please pay attention to what is going on. Your future and that of your children depends on it. Please don’t just listen to what the media tells you. Please investigate and discover the truth for yourself. So that God can continue to bless the United States of America.

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