Who knew that the day would come when Rush Limbaugh would think he was right, be convinced he was right, but yet be wrong?
Who knew that the day would come when Sean Hannity would rattle off a list of reasons why he was right (in whatever point he was making), but now, most people would question whether he was being factual or if he once again had a hidden agenda. Many people admitting great disappointment in both of them, simply quit listening, found other radio stations.
What a surprise not to be able to trust the once most beloved names in Conservative Radio! Who knew that when the silent majority was no longer silent, when the Sleeping American Giant finally woke up, who knew that Rush and Sean, Laura Ingraham, and even FOX News would not be on the side of the Christians?
Are they too busy to go to http://www.mikehuckabee.com/ and check out the 'truth squad'? Are they too busy to watch some of the videos or read of Huckabee's positions on the many issues? Apparently they are too busy! They are taking the word of the 'drive by media', the people they have supposedly spoken against all these years.
If they had time to check it out or could 'afford' to have someone on their staff investigate the truth, they could see that they are running with twisted truths, half truths and out right lies. They are buying into these as truths. They are not investigating to discover the truth. Where is their discernment?
What a shock to both Rush and Sean that the power to influence the folks, they thought they had, doesn't actually exist! The people who are with Mike Huckabee are Born Again Christians and the Americans who no longer wish to be silent. Apparently Rush and Sean are not among them.
Along with the Born Again crowd are the people who cringed when the athiests took the 10 commandments off our court house walls. We all scowled when they wanted to take "Under God" out of the Pledge to our dear flag. They want to remove "In God We Trust" from our Money.
As we watched the coverage of Hurricane Katrina. We saw them take away the guns of the citizens. After that, only the criminals and the police, (most of whom were corrupt), had guns and the individual citizens and the home owners were helpless when gangs of thugs came to rape the women and loot their belongings. And the gangs of thugs did come and they did rape the women and steal the belongings of the citizens. Who could fight them off? The government had confiscated all of their registered guns.
We cried when they said it was no big deal to kill the unborn babies and we sat in disbelief as we heard of accounts of the nearly full term babies who had their brains sucked from their skulls outside of the womb, and we wondered what kind of monsters could kill these helpless babies, but we felt helpless to engage them or to challenge them.
We didn't know they had changed the text books regarding American History or we might have risen up earlier.
But when we saw the people of San Francisco say 'Oh well," and hold still while the transvestites mocked the Catholic Church and all of Christianity, while taking communion in outrageous outfits, we were horrified and realized we had been silent too long.
We even questioned, "Is it too late?" and answered, "It is too late!" They have taken our country from us while we were sleeping. We are helpless to fight them. It is too far gone.
But then the debates started. We saw the Christian heart, the brilliant wit and intelligence of Mike Huckabee and we liked him, but while he was down into the single digits in the polls, it seemed futile. Most of us said, we sure like Mike Huckabee, but he can never get elected.
Suddenly, as if orchestrated by God himself, Huckabee was rising in the polls. We watched as he delivered one liners like "Congress has been spending money like John Edwards at a beauty shop." We laughed, we enjoyed, we almost were afraid to let ourselves hope.
We were afraid to hope because finally here was a candidate who would fight for the 2nd Amendment, (we keep our guns), one who stands strong against illegal immegration, wants to educate all students even if what they are interested in is music or art, and would put the IRS out of business with the Fair Tax. He is the one who with all of us watching his back, will stand up for the helpless unborn babies. Our country might once again value the lives of children and the elderly. In a word, we might 'value' life.
We began to wonder if possibly Huckabee could win. We soon realized that yes, he could win but all of us were going to have to help him. We expected we would have to pray, but soon we realized we were going to have to get onto our computers and contact our friends and relatives.
For most of us being first timers at this, we were going to have to donate money to a political campaign. Maybe we would even have to join a Mike Huckabee for President group and see what we could do in a small way or in a big way to help this dear Godly man get elected to the office of the President of the United States of America.
We never dreamed that we would be fighting the very people we had always held so close to our hearts. We never expected to be on opposite sides with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and our beloved FOX News.
This separation of minds, broke our hearts, but, because many of us regularly have conversations with God, we knew that we would stand strong. We knew that we would 'put on the full armor of God'. We knew that there would be many who would not understand but we could no longer be silent. If we didn't speak up, 'the very stones and rocks would shout out'.
May God Bless Mike Huckabee! And may God Bless the people of America who know there is now no turning back. The sleeping giant of Americans has awakened and we will not soon be lulled back to sleep. We are once again in control and have taken back our country. Stand back and watch the polls. Watch as hope begins to rise among Americans. Watch as we once again take pride in the strong country we love. As this miracle unfolds, we will have renewed faith in the American Dream. The country where there are no limits of what one can accomplish as long as there are no limits on your dreams and your willingness to work to achieve them.
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
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