Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Sean Hannity, The Biggest Loser on Super Tuesday

While Huckabee was racking up wins in the Southern States to add to Iowa, the pundants had to admit that he existed. Not only did he exist but he was still a viable candidate for the office of the President of the United States of America.

Sean Hannity started out pushing Rudy. When he couldn't get any states at all he bailed after spending all the millions of dollars in ads. Sean thinks he is an advertising "know it all" so I'm sure he advised Rudy on the production of his ads. (For a fee no doubt.)

Then it was Fred Thompson and wife who had Hannity's full attention and admiration. Even when Thompson tried to knee-cap Huckabee at every opportunity, knowing that Huckabee had no financial means to fight back and get the truth out. This was fine with Hannity. It might have been a little dirty but heck, politics is dirty.

This after Sean took as 'gospel truth' all the lies, half truths and twisted truths that Romney spent millions of dollars on back in the Iowa Caucus. Day after day, 5 days a week, 3 hours a day, Sean kept repeating these lies hoping they would become truth in the minds of his audience.

Even though Huckabee was on Sean's show, explained several times the "TRUTH", Sean would turn right around in the next conversation on the very same DAY, and act as if he had never had the conversation, didn't believe what Huckabee said or liked better believing and spreading the lie.

This from the man who claims over and over again to have "moral integrity", (one of his favorite terms).

To our disbelief, the next thing was Sean saying that Huckabee was not competing in Florida. Huckabee tried as much as he could to say, "NOT TRUE!", but many more people heard Sean than heard Huckabee and went on to vote for someone who was in the race, only to say later, "But we heard from Sean Hannity and FOX News that he wasn't competing here."

Imagine Sean's surprise, as the results began to come in, to find out he didn't have the power or influence he thought he had. America said, "We don't agree with you Sean!" "We don't believe you Sean!" "We don't trust you anymore, Sean!" "We won't be listening to you anymore, Sean Hannity!"

Was it for money, for power or for the thrill of seeing what he hoped was his control over peoples thoughts? Only Sean knows but what is abundantly clear is this.

Sean Hannity was and likely will continue to be, "The Biggest Loser on Super Tuesday, 2008".


Dan said...

Oh ya, I agree that Hannity who calls himself a "great American" is nothing but a big loser.

I want people to see what Romney did directly prior to Feb 5 Super Tuesday. Go see this ladies video reported by Fox news in Colorado Springs.

Romney robo called by the millions telling people it is now a two person race for the Republican nomination, implying Huckabee and Paul dropped out.

Here it is:

Can someone make a blog about this. This thing Romney did really has me urked, and I know it cost Mike a few States.

Go Huckabee!

Anonymous said...

I do not listen to the talking heads on the radio or TV. They have their own self interest in mind. They Hannity, Limbaugh, or Coulter are after controversy and publicity. Truth to them is what they say it is. The TRUTH is not what a man or a woman says it is but what God says it is. This is a fact that is lost on the people who make a living telling others what to think. So often the love is lost when someone does not agree with the first thing that is said. Then the wall goes up and a battle starts. Have we forgotten that we are to love the unlovable? It is easy to get along with the people that agree with us no mater if we are right or wrong. I personnel have had to change my views on an issue more times than I would like to count when I have been open to more information and apposing views. This is why Mike Huckabee needs to be our next President he knows that we are called to still love the persons even if you can’t condone the action. An old wives tail that I always thought was funny is “don’t through the baby out with the bath water.” But that is what we do when some one disagrees with us today. We dismiss them as quickly as we dismiss their ideas. Everyone deserves to be heard we all have self worth. Less we forget that we are all created in God’s own image for His purpose.
Let us not get caught up smallness of what we have made of ourselves but remember of the greatness of our purpose.

Sher said...

Dr. James Dobson endorses Mike Huckabee 2-7-08

Please post on your website if you want.

11 Smiths for Huckabee said...

I thought you might be interested in our new Huckabee video, "A Call to Texans." You can view the video here:

Please post this on your blog and pass it on to all your friends in Texas!

Matt Prihoda said...

See my blog about the race.