Recently I heard on MSNBC, I think it was on the "Morning Joe" program, that the Republican Establishment would never get behind Huckabee. I have become aware of and very much a fan of Joe Scarborough in the early morning because of his coverage of Huckabee. He is a darling, though sometimes, misguided man! In the past I never ventured away from FOX News. Who knew that all these other interesting programs were out there?
But, why would Joe Scarborough say that a person could not get elected as a Republican candidate without the Republican Establishment of Washington, DC and New York? Is it not the American PEOPLE who vote in the Primaries? Is it not the American PEOPLE who use their own very good minds to take in information, decide who is twisting the truth, holding back the truth, or outright lying, and then the American PEOPLE come to a decision on their own.
After the people melted down the Congressional Switchboard over the "Immigration bill", people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham all thought they had single-handedly influenced the people of America and each thought themselves personally responsible for the reaction of the people.
Truth is, none of them did it. The American people who take in information, and take it in, and take it in, instintively and collectively, knew, that things had gone too far and it was time to react to an emergency and react they did.
But with the pundents misguided belief that they caused the switchboard meltdown, they incorrectly assumed that they could have the same influence on presidential politics and they could choose the winner and we would be influenced by their "collective golden tongues". Like lemmings, we would follow their suggestions.
WRONGO, BUCKO!!!!!!!!!!! We will make up our own minds on that thank you very much!!!!!!!!.
We have stood by and watched as one offended athiest managed to get the Ten Commandments out of the court houses. We watched as one athiest was offended and wanted "Under God" removed from the pledge to our beloved flag. They want to take "In God We Trust" off our coins.
Paying millions of tax dollars to make the change, Los Angeles stood by and let a few Athiests remove the cross from the city emblem, that for hundreds of years, stood for something. Who was it that said, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything?" I don't live there so I don't know, has Los Angeles fallen?
Our nation was founded by devout Christian men who understood that our freedom is a gift from God, not from radio talk show hosts. (However, did they manage the first revolution without talk radio?) Could it be that the people communicated with each other? Could it be that the people prayed to God who they know is the God of miracles? Could it be that God listened and answered their prayers.
Could it be that what is behind the Mike Huckabee surge is that the PEOPLE have awakened? They are armed in truth, ready to take back our nation from the enemy. Huckabee is the man we believe to be the only one who believes as we do. He is one of us.
Shock among shocks, it may not fit into the belief system of the talk radio crowd who assume they are the smartest and the wisest among us. But Mike Huckabee is the man who speaks for the American people. He will, with God's help, and with the prayers of as many of us as he needs, take back America and give us the Hope for the brightest future this country has ever seen.
Mike Huckabee is not our best hope, he is our only hope!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Comments on the Zogby Poll from 11/26/07
Took these numbers off the Zogby poll today, 11/26/07.
If the election were between these people this is how it would turn out according to about 10,000 likely voters in a nationwide internet poll with a + / – 1.0 % points for error.
McCain 42% Clinton 38%
Guiliani 43 % Clinton 40%
Romney 43% Clinton 40%
Huckabee 44 % Clinton 39%
Thompson 44% Clinton 40%
Huckabee would win by the widest margin. And they said he was a nice guy but could never win.
But look at this---------
Mc Cain 38% Obama 45%
Guiliani 41% Obama 46%
Romney 40% Obama 46%
Huckabee 40% Obama 46%
Thompson 40% Obama 47%
If the election were held today, Obama would beat them all.
And this------------
McCain 42% Edwards 42%
Guiliani 43% Edwards 44%
Romney 42% Edwards 43%
Huckabee 42% Edwards 43%
Thompson 42% Edwards 45%
If the election were held today, Edwards would beat them all. Thank God, the election is not today!
What this says to me is that if we don’t all become active, we will be giving our country over to people who will be appointing 2-3 Supreme Court Judges. People who think you can ‘reason with’ or worse yet, appease, the terrorists who have stated over and over again that their mission in life is to convert us all or kill us all. These are people who cut off the heads of infidels (that’s us) for sport. And they stone young girls to death for getting raped because they have brought shame upon their family. These people also teach their 2-3 year olds it is good to attach a bomb to yourself for the purpose of blowing yourself and as many others as possible to smithereens. How do you negotiate with such people?
Obama and Edwards and Hillary with the help of a Democratic House and Senate and all the new judges whom they will appoint will tax us out of our will to work and mess up the health care system beyond recognition. They will take away our guns and make the United States of America a weak and vulnerable nation. If that is what you want for America, all you need do is ‘nothing’ except maybe secretly hope that someone else is doing the heavy lifting.
Whichever Republican candidate gets the nomination, of course we will get behind with enthusiasm. But please check out Mike Huckabee’s website at He will return us to the values with which we want our grandkids to grow up. He is for the Fair Tax. He will disband the IRS. He will return us to one nation “under God”. He will not take away our guns.
I know you are all busy but please pay attention to what is going on. Your future and that of your children depends on it. Please don’t just listen to what the media tells you. Please investigate and discover the truth for yourself. So that God can continue to bless the United States of America.
If the election were between these people this is how it would turn out according to about 10,000 likely voters in a nationwide internet poll with a + / – 1.0 % points for error.
McCain 42% Clinton 38%
Guiliani 43 % Clinton 40%
Romney 43% Clinton 40%
Huckabee 44 % Clinton 39%
Thompson 44% Clinton 40%
Huckabee would win by the widest margin. And they said he was a nice guy but could never win.
But look at this---------
Mc Cain 38% Obama 45%
Guiliani 41% Obama 46%
Romney 40% Obama 46%
Huckabee 40% Obama 46%
Thompson 40% Obama 47%
If the election were held today, Obama would beat them all.
And this------------
McCain 42% Edwards 42%
Guiliani 43% Edwards 44%
Romney 42% Edwards 43%
Huckabee 42% Edwards 43%
Thompson 42% Edwards 45%
If the election were held today, Edwards would beat them all. Thank God, the election is not today!
What this says to me is that if we don’t all become active, we will be giving our country over to people who will be appointing 2-3 Supreme Court Judges. People who think you can ‘reason with’ or worse yet, appease, the terrorists who have stated over and over again that their mission in life is to convert us all or kill us all. These are people who cut off the heads of infidels (that’s us) for sport. And they stone young girls to death for getting raped because they have brought shame upon their family. These people also teach their 2-3 year olds it is good to attach a bomb to yourself for the purpose of blowing yourself and as many others as possible to smithereens. How do you negotiate with such people?
Obama and Edwards and Hillary with the help of a Democratic House and Senate and all the new judges whom they will appoint will tax us out of our will to work and mess up the health care system beyond recognition. They will take away our guns and make the United States of America a weak and vulnerable nation. If that is what you want for America, all you need do is ‘nothing’ except maybe secretly hope that someone else is doing the heavy lifting.
Whichever Republican candidate gets the nomination, of course we will get behind with enthusiasm. But please check out Mike Huckabee’s website at He will return us to the values with which we want our grandkids to grow up. He is for the Fair Tax. He will disband the IRS. He will return us to one nation “under God”. He will not take away our guns.
I know you are all busy but please pay attention to what is going on. Your future and that of your children depends on it. Please don’t just listen to what the media tells you. Please investigate and discover the truth for yourself. So that God can continue to bless the United States of America.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Chris Matthews "mocks" Huckabee for gun control
This morning I got up way before dawn hoping to catch glance at Huckabee being interviewed on the "Morning Joe" show on MSNBC.
I missed the interview but watched for a considerable length of time before I could confirm that I had missed it. What I did hear though was Chris Matthews calling in. His program is Hardball, later in the day. Matthews railed on and on mocking Huckabee for his stand on gun control. Chris said that Huckabee says we don't need our guns so much for hunting and protecting ourselves from criminals, as we need them for protecting ourselves from our government.
The New York News boys don't know or understand those of us out here in "fly over country". Huckabee is exactly right! Think about our life if a Democrat wins. All the guns will be ordered "turned in". Then only the criminals and the government will have the guns. Then we are at their mercy. Lord help us!
I missed the interview but watched for a considerable length of time before I could confirm that I had missed it. What I did hear though was Chris Matthews calling in. His program is Hardball, later in the day. Matthews railed on and on mocking Huckabee for his stand on gun control. Chris said that Huckabee says we don't need our guns so much for hunting and protecting ourselves from criminals, as we need them for protecting ourselves from our government.
The New York News boys don't know or understand those of us out here in "fly over country". Huckabee is exactly right! Think about our life if a Democrat wins. All the guns will be ordered "turned in". Then only the criminals and the government will have the guns. Then we are at their mercy. Lord help us!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Don't Put Limits on what God can do and is doing for Mike Huckabee
In reading some of the blogs, I sense some frustration when he is not treated with the love and respect we all have for him. I say, "Don't worry!"
Remember that the same God that Mike Huckabee has loved and served all his life, is the God of 'miracles' who fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2-3 fish. He is the same "Awesome God" that we all love to sing about.
He is not limited by the range and scope of the TV and the Radio and the Blogs. He is the God who turned water into wine at the wedding feast, and who healed and still heals the sick. The "unChristian" on the other teams will not understand what we know and love to be true about God. This may be a time to show them, "The Love of Jesus".
Remember to always put your best foot forward. Especially when we represent a phenomenal human being such as Mike Huckabee. We owe it to him and to everyone on the team to always take the high road. We claim to have values. The world is watching to see if that is really true. You never know who is watching you or listening to you. "You may be the only Bible some people will ever read."
Remember that the same God that Mike Huckabee has loved and served all his life, is the God of 'miracles' who fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2-3 fish. He is the same "Awesome God" that we all love to sing about.
He is not limited by the range and scope of the TV and the Radio and the Blogs. He is the God who turned water into wine at the wedding feast, and who healed and still heals the sick. The "unChristian" on the other teams will not understand what we know and love to be true about God. This may be a time to show them, "The Love of Jesus".
Remember to always put your best foot forward. Especially when we represent a phenomenal human being such as Mike Huckabee. We owe it to him and to everyone on the team to always take the high road. We claim to have values. The world is watching to see if that is really true. You never know who is watching you or listening to you. "You may be the only Bible some people will ever read."
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Mike Huckabee is like a cup of Hot Chocolate
I remember as a child when the temperature outside was freezing and my sisters and I came in from ice skating to warm up. To our absolute delight, we discovered that mom had made hot chocolate.
It was delicious! It warmed our innards! It was nutritious, (back then it was made with milk)!. It made us feel like we were safe and warm. Even though we had been out in the freezing cold, sometimes dangerous winter weather, now we were in a safe place and would be nurtured and all was good with the world once again.
Mike Huckabee is like that. For some time now, the Democrats have tried to get us to believe that their 'sleeping with the enemy' was somehow going to work out for our best interests, when we knew instinctively, they were selling us down the river, a very dangerous river at that.
We longed for an uncomplicated, decent wholesome leader who would tell us the truth and by his leadership, bring us back to our moral foundations on which we were raised.
Thank God for Mike Huckabee! In God's perfect timing Huckabee has appeared. He and his message are as simple and as good and as easy to understand as a good warm cup of hot chocolate.
As for our family, it is an easy decision. We will do everything we possibly can to help get the word out. That word is "MIKE HUCKABEE FOR PRESIDENT"!
It was delicious! It warmed our innards! It was nutritious, (back then it was made with milk)!. It made us feel like we were safe and warm. Even though we had been out in the freezing cold, sometimes dangerous winter weather, now we were in a safe place and would be nurtured and all was good with the world once again.
Mike Huckabee is like that. For some time now, the Democrats have tried to get us to believe that their 'sleeping with the enemy' was somehow going to work out for our best interests, when we knew instinctively, they were selling us down the river, a very dangerous river at that.
We longed for an uncomplicated, decent wholesome leader who would tell us the truth and by his leadership, bring us back to our moral foundations on which we were raised.
Thank God for Mike Huckabee! In God's perfect timing Huckabee has appeared. He and his message are as simple and as good and as easy to understand as a good warm cup of hot chocolate.
As for our family, it is an easy decision. We will do everything we possibly can to help get the word out. That word is "MIKE HUCKABEE FOR PRESIDENT"!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
A Huckabee group in Sun City, AZ!
Last evening, friends were over and we started discussing politics. We all agreed that we like Huckabee but the media has convinced us that he can't win.
Well, one thing led to another and pretty soon we were talking about, "If we all know so many people who like Huckabee, and we all vote for him in the primary, why can't he win?" He can win! And we are going to join a Huckabee group here in Sun City. If there is no group, we will start one and recruit more members and more members until we have a huge group.
We must tell everyone who has changed their registration to "Independent" that they cannot vote for Huckabee or any Republican in the primary. They should change it so they can vote in the primary and if they so choose, they can always change back to Independent after the election.
"I Like Mike!" Huckabee for President! I wonder if he has a song!
Well, one thing led to another and pretty soon we were talking about, "If we all know so many people who like Huckabee, and we all vote for him in the primary, why can't he win?" He can win! And we are going to join a Huckabee group here in Sun City. If there is no group, we will start one and recruit more members and more members until we have a huge group.
We must tell everyone who has changed their registration to "Independent" that they cannot vote for Huckabee or any Republican in the primary. They should change it so they can vote in the primary and if they so choose, they can always change back to Independent after the election.
"I Like Mike!" Huckabee for President! I wonder if he has a song!
Monday, October 15, 2007
I like Huckabee!
Everyone likes Huckabee but they say he doesn't have a chance. Well, if everyone who likes him, votes for him, he would have a chance. Wouldn't the best VP in the world be Condelesa Rice? She is so much more than an African American Woman. She is much more brilliant than anyone else running or, for that matter, anyone who is now in Congress and she knows the ropes better as well.
More than that she is a decent, moral human being with principles. Imagine a team like Huckabee and Rice!
Huckabee for President!!!!!!!!!!!
More than that she is a decent, moral human being with principles. Imagine a team like Huckabee and Rice!
Huckabee for President!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Wear 2 Flag Lapel Pins
Starting today, I'm going to wear 2 flag lapel pins. One extra one to make up for the one Obama is too "Anti - American" to wear.
Friday, October 05, 2007
The American Flag Lapel Pin
Today I had to go to the Post Office for a new supply of stamps. I asked specifically for American Flag stamps.
A few days ago, Barack Hussein Obama, a candidate for the office of the President of the United States of America has decided to take his American flag lapel pin off. He is apparently playing into the hands of the enemy.
As for me and my family, we will fly the American Flag at every opportunity, whether its lapel pins or stamps. We love this country and are proud to let people know it.
A few days ago, Barack Hussein Obama, a candidate for the office of the President of the United States of America has decided to take his American flag lapel pin off. He is apparently playing into the hands of the enemy.
As for me and my family, we will fly the American Flag at every opportunity, whether its lapel pins or stamps. We love this country and are proud to let people know it.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The weather here in AZ has broken
No longer will we be over 100 degrees, day after day after day. This morning when I went out to check the thermometer, it was 62 degrees! An expected high temperature of 97 degrees. Hip Hip HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
It makes me sick!
Does it make the rest of you sick as you watch and listen to what Congress, mostly the Democrats as they attack General Petrauous today. It is despicable to see what they are doing. What could possibly be their reason?
Honestly, I am physically sick over it. Our Republicans or those with a brain in Congress must step up and slap those reprehensible Democrats down.........and quickly please.
Honestly, I am physically sick over it. Our Republicans or those with a brain in Congress must step up and slap those reprehensible Democrats down.........and quickly please.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Those Dems should be run out of the country.
Day after day after day the Democrats continue to amaze the rest of us with how much they seem to hate the United States. They want the military to fail. They want to turn us into a socialist country.
Lets call them what they are. They are treasonous traitors and should all be arrested and jailed. But if won't do that, which of course we won't, send them all out to sea or else to Canada or Spaiin or any other country wish we were just like.
Lets call them what they are. They are treasonous traitors and should all be arrested and jailed. But if won't do that, which of course we won't, send them all out to sea or else to Canada or Spaiin or any other country wish we were just like.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Congress is imposing torture on itself.
If they use sleep deprivation on terrorists, the liberals scream to high heaven that it is torture. (We shouldn't be so mean to those rascally fellows.) How humerous it is to see they are keeping each other up all night just to talk until they can't stand any longer. Their goal is to pass a bill that they know President Bush will veto. How does this exercise make any sense?
They had cots brought in. I don't know about you, but any time I pulled an all nighter at work, lying down on a cot made it awfully hard to get any work done.
If you ask me their popularity rating of 16 % is much higher than they deserve. It looks as though they will keep it up until they are popular with absolutely no one.
They had cots brought in. I don't know about you, but any time I pulled an all nighter at work, lying down on a cot made it awfully hard to get any work done.
If you ask me their popularity rating of 16 % is much higher than they deserve. It looks as though they will keep it up until they are popular with absolutely no one.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Father's Day
When there is no Father, then the Heavenly Father is the Father.
Spend the day with Him.
Spend the day with Him.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
When you have a break down..................
A computer breakdown..... Just after I hung up the phone with a friend who needed to replace her monitor, I turned on my laptop and found lines all over my screen. My laptop is 3 years old and the young fellow at Best Buy held it as though he was seeing a computer from long ago and said, "Well, this one is from the 'era' when they used a lot of fans and remarked that I had 4 fans underneath the lap top.
What a shock though, to have a young wippersnapper tell you your 3 year old computer is from 'another era'. Yes, I know, I have heard how they are updated and upgraded by the minute but to actually hear it, was alarming to me. Maybe amusing is a better word. Or aghast..... I really was aghast at the way he handled my HP laptop as if it had come out of the stoneage.
He said that if we didn't have an extended warranty on this, we might as well just throw it away and buy a new one. Instead of the $1700 we spent on this one, we could now get one for $700. According to this very young yet very knowledgeable man it would cost more than the price of a new one to repair it.
Fortunately, we did have an extended warranty so it was to call CompUSA for instructions on how to proceed. They said to wait for a shipping label to come by email and then take it to FED ex and get an appropriate box from them. That, he said, could take 3 days. He is just talking about getting the shipping label taking 3 days to get. I'm thinking I would be without my beloved laptop for weeks, maybe even months.
Not wanting to leave anything to chance, I began to pray for it to be handled with care and to arrive quickly and safely at its destination and then to be repaired by a person who was knowledgeable with this particular problem. Then that it would also come back safely and quickly.
My laptop went out late on a Friday afternoon. It was shipped to Simi Vally, California. Imagine my pleasant surprise when the following Thursday, a DHL driver left a note that I had a package that needed a signature, while we were at Wal Mart.
More amazingly, the DHL driver returned at the end of his route. It was my laptop. It was back a week after it was sent. I was amazed and thankful! Everything on it was still on it. Thank you God!
What a shock though, to have a young wippersnapper tell you your 3 year old computer is from 'another era'. Yes, I know, I have heard how they are updated and upgraded by the minute but to actually hear it, was alarming to me. Maybe amusing is a better word. Or aghast..... I really was aghast at the way he handled my HP laptop as if it had come out of the stoneage.
He said that if we didn't have an extended warranty on this, we might as well just throw it away and buy a new one. Instead of the $1700 we spent on this one, we could now get one for $700. According to this very young yet very knowledgeable man it would cost more than the price of a new one to repair it.
Fortunately, we did have an extended warranty so it was to call CompUSA for instructions on how to proceed. They said to wait for a shipping label to come by email and then take it to FED ex and get an appropriate box from them. That, he said, could take 3 days. He is just talking about getting the shipping label taking 3 days to get. I'm thinking I would be without my beloved laptop for weeks, maybe even months.
Not wanting to leave anything to chance, I began to pray for it to be handled with care and to arrive quickly and safely at its destination and then to be repaired by a person who was knowledgeable with this particular problem. Then that it would also come back safely and quickly.
My laptop went out late on a Friday afternoon. It was shipped to Simi Vally, California. Imagine my pleasant surprise when the following Thursday, a DHL driver left a note that I had a package that needed a signature, while we were at Wal Mart.
More amazingly, the DHL driver returned at the end of his route. It was my laptop. It was back a week after it was sent. I was amazed and thankful! Everything on it was still on it. Thank you God!
Taking up Space?
A couple of questions for you to ponder........
How can your life end if it has never begun?
Does your life begin when you are born, or conceived or does it begin later in life, maybe much later, when you suddenly feel alive, because you are getting some exercise, interacting with friends, worshipping God regularly, and feeling like a contributing part of society?
Don't let your life end before it has begun.
Don't just take up space in this life? Have you been taking up space, or have you been contributing to making the world go around. Do you volunteer somewhere? Do you include others besides your immedicate family in your prayers? Join a charitable group. Get involved. Let your kids and grandkids know, (really know) what you believe and what you know.
How can your life end if it has never begun?
Does your life begin when you are born, or conceived or does it begin later in life, maybe much later, when you suddenly feel alive, because you are getting some exercise, interacting with friends, worshipping God regularly, and feeling like a contributing part of society?
Don't let your life end before it has begun.
Don't just take up space in this life? Have you been taking up space, or have you been contributing to making the world go around. Do you volunteer somewhere? Do you include others besides your immedicate family in your prayers? Join a charitable group. Get involved. Let your kids and grandkids know, (really know) what you believe and what you know.
Friday, May 11, 2007
We are so blessed!
I would have guessed that a few residents would start whining about the temperatures as it heads into the 100's, but no, I think everyone is just so glad to be here in Sun city, that they are willing to take a few hot weeks.
Friday night for us is a Fish Fry with friends. This morning I took advantage of the fitness center. The only challenge I thought, was to get there and get home before it gets too hot, but I ran into one lady in the restroom who had just finished with aerobics, was just heading in to work out and then she would follow that with a visit to the pool. Perhaps she was't traveling by golf cart and had a/c in her car. But, what struck me was that she was more interested in how much better she felt with all this exercise and I was impressed. Maybe in time I will be less concerned with getting home to avoid the heat of the day.
At any rate, to live in Sun City is to live a blessed life. For that I am grateful.
Friday night for us is a Fish Fry with friends. This morning I took advantage of the fitness center. The only challenge I thought, was to get there and get home before it gets too hot, but I ran into one lady in the restroom who had just finished with aerobics, was just heading in to work out and then she would follow that with a visit to the pool. Perhaps she was't traveling by golf cart and had a/c in her car. But, what struck me was that she was more interested in how much better she felt with all this exercise and I was impressed. Maybe in time I will be less concerned with getting home to avoid the heat of the day.
At any rate, to live in Sun City is to live a blessed life. For that I am grateful.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Will they stop selling beer or letting fat people in?
At Shea Stadium a lady was injured when a drunk fat man fell on her.
When ever a person is injured or killed by someone in posession of a gun, there are cries heard throughout the country to ban guns.
Surely those same people will not rest until beer is banned from Shea Stadium (and all other sports facilities while they're at it). Consider this, they might be able to prevent anyone in the future from being similarly injured if they simply ban fat people from Shea Stadium (and all sports facilities while they're at it), and how will they decide who is 'fat'? Will it be by the poundage? Or height together with poundage? And what if the person with the money to buy the tickets is the one deemed 'too fat' to gain entrance to the stadium?
Maybe they could just solve it easily by bending the truth a little, ( a trait that comes easily to some) and proclaim that the fat drunk man also was carrying a gun. Perhaps it was a heavy gun and the weight of it was too much for him to stand up straight. Ah, yes, lets just ban guns!
No, no, it must have been President Bush's fault that this man got drunk and fell on this poor lady. If we can blame the President for everything from Katrina to Gloabal Warming, why not a small matter of getting a very large man drunk enough to not be able to stand upright.
These are indeed interesting times.
When ever a person is injured or killed by someone in posession of a gun, there are cries heard throughout the country to ban guns.
Surely those same people will not rest until beer is banned from Shea Stadium (and all other sports facilities while they're at it). Consider this, they might be able to prevent anyone in the future from being similarly injured if they simply ban fat people from Shea Stadium (and all sports facilities while they're at it), and how will they decide who is 'fat'? Will it be by the poundage? Or height together with poundage? And what if the person with the money to buy the tickets is the one deemed 'too fat' to gain entrance to the stadium?
Maybe they could just solve it easily by bending the truth a little, ( a trait that comes easily to some) and proclaim that the fat drunk man also was carrying a gun. Perhaps it was a heavy gun and the weight of it was too much for him to stand up straight. Ah, yes, lets just ban guns!
No, no, it must have been President Bush's fault that this man got drunk and fell on this poor lady. If we can blame the President for everything from Katrina to Gloabal Warming, why not a small matter of getting a very large man drunk enough to not be able to stand upright.
These are indeed interesting times.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Beautiful Love
The other day we witnessed a most beautiful example of love. An elderly couple, (that's anyone older than us), was leaving a cafe at the same time we did. It soon became clear that the woman had Dementia or Alzheimer's.
The husband stood at the door gently beckoning her to come with him. She stood by me as we paid I asked her, "Does he want you to go with him? "Yes," she said, as she looked at me with the impish smile of a misbehaving child.
It was then that I saw the patient face of this gentle loving man. After he was able to encourage her to leave the cafe, they both sat down on an outside bench for a spell. They sat for a few moments until she was comforable on the bench. He had to leave her there on the bench for a minute while he walked just a few steps to the parking area to bring the car to her curbside. I guessed that he had learned from past experience to take everything, where she was involved, in very small steps.
But, what touched me was the look on his face. I saw no frustration and no impatience. I only saw gentle patience and love. I wondered if she knew when she married him that God had given her a virtual saint in the form of a husband. I felt honored to have been a witness to this tender display of love.
The husband stood at the door gently beckoning her to come with him. She stood by me as we paid I asked her, "Does he want you to go with him? "Yes," she said, as she looked at me with the impish smile of a misbehaving child.
It was then that I saw the patient face of this gentle loving man. After he was able to encourage her to leave the cafe, they both sat down on an outside bench for a spell. They sat for a few moments until she was comforable on the bench. He had to leave her there on the bench for a minute while he walked just a few steps to the parking area to bring the car to her curbside. I guessed that he had learned from past experience to take everything, where she was involved, in very small steps.
But, what touched me was the look on his face. I saw no frustration and no impatience. I only saw gentle patience and love. I wondered if she knew when she married him that God had given her a virtual saint in the form of a husband. I felt honored to have been a witness to this tender display of love.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The Global Warming Consensus; Move over Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Somehow, we didn't fight hard enough when the Liberals were putting the "Theory" of Evolution into our schools. Now, it is presented as fact, when in fact, it is nothing more than a theory. The Creation Story which is a well documented historical account that has been handed down and considered by most people as fact for centuries. But when we attempt to present it in school as another "theory", the libs scream "separation of church and state" and won't allow it. In fact this has nothing to do with "separation of church of state". (That in itself is a lame concept that the libs erroneously throw around to undo everything upon which our country was founded. But that is a subject for another discussion).
Twenty years ago they were trying to scare us into a guilt complex for creating "Global Cooling". There was a lot of talk about the coming "ice age". There was no doubt but what humans had caused it all. Both through our ignorance and our wanton abuse of the planet, we were all destined to freeze to death if we did not immediately change our ways.
Now the tide has turned, the Liberals have succeeded in "dummying down America" to the point where there is widespread acceptance of a huge "Snow Job" from the far political left.
Al Gore, in his greed and his stupidity, has succeeded in 'conning' many people, even many in mainstream America, into believing that we humans have caused Global warming. Yes, that's right! We humans, in our wanton abuse of the planet are now asked to accept huge amounts of guilt for causing "Global Warming".
Factually and scientifically, it is not true. Did you know that the Polar Bears can and do swim for 80 miles under the frigid water. They were created to be able to do that. They do not drown when an iceberg melts as Gores documentary would have you believe. That was one of many lies in that piece of propaganda.
Ask the real scientists, who have no political agenda. They will tell you that it's not true. The fact is, the planet's temperature is up about half a degree. This phenomenon has occurred since the beginning of time. Sometimes it varies a little cooler and sometimes warmer but God has created this planet, placing corrections into the system.
Don't believe anything you hear from people who have a 'hidden agenda'. Look first into their own lives. Are they living with the prescribed solutions? Or do they want everyone but them, all the "suckers", to go backwards in time and live with unpleasant sacrifices. Are they conservative in their use of electricity for example? No, Al Gore's family uses 20-30 times what a normal family uses in a year. Not only that, when you fly from one place to another, do you use a private jet? Not many of us do, but Al Gore, can't be bothered to fly commercial airlines. He is special, you see. He will just pay more money (green credits) so he can have a clear conscience and then he will use all the fossil fuel he wants.
Apparently he knows this Global Warming scare if just a bunch of 'hooey', so he sees no need to make any changes in his lifestyle. Already it is presented in schools and even in some churches as fact. What will be the next thing they will shove down our gullible throats?
Twenty years ago they were trying to scare us into a guilt complex for creating "Global Cooling". There was a lot of talk about the coming "ice age". There was no doubt but what humans had caused it all. Both through our ignorance and our wanton abuse of the planet, we were all destined to freeze to death if we did not immediately change our ways.
Now the tide has turned, the Liberals have succeeded in "dummying down America" to the point where there is widespread acceptance of a huge "Snow Job" from the far political left.
Al Gore, in his greed and his stupidity, has succeeded in 'conning' many people, even many in mainstream America, into believing that we humans have caused Global warming. Yes, that's right! We humans, in our wanton abuse of the planet are now asked to accept huge amounts of guilt for causing "Global Warming".
Factually and scientifically, it is not true. Did you know that the Polar Bears can and do swim for 80 miles under the frigid water. They were created to be able to do that. They do not drown when an iceberg melts as Gores documentary would have you believe. That was one of many lies in that piece of propaganda.
Ask the real scientists, who have no political agenda. They will tell you that it's not true. The fact is, the planet's temperature is up about half a degree. This phenomenon has occurred since the beginning of time. Sometimes it varies a little cooler and sometimes warmer but God has created this planet, placing corrections into the system.
Don't believe anything you hear from people who have a 'hidden agenda'. Look first into their own lives. Are they living with the prescribed solutions? Or do they want everyone but them, all the "suckers", to go backwards in time and live with unpleasant sacrifices. Are they conservative in their use of electricity for example? No, Al Gore's family uses 20-30 times what a normal family uses in a year. Not only that, when you fly from one place to another, do you use a private jet? Not many of us do, but Al Gore, can't be bothered to fly commercial airlines. He is special, you see. He will just pay more money (green credits) so he can have a clear conscience and then he will use all the fossil fuel he wants.
Apparently he knows this Global Warming scare if just a bunch of 'hooey', so he sees no need to make any changes in his lifestyle. Already it is presented in schools and even in some churches as fact. What will be the next thing they will shove down our gullible throats?
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I want names!
I want to know the names of the congress men and women and the Senators who voted in favor of an end date in Iraq.
I used to think the Liberal Democrats were just stupid and I felt pity for them. However, now I see that they are evil and they are to be feared as much as we fear the terrorists. We have seen the enemy and it is US. It is our own government leaders. There is nothing that they wouldn't give up to get power. But when they start throwing our military soldiers under the bus its time for us to rise up.
I used to think the Liberal Democrats were just stupid and I felt pity for them. However, now I see that they are evil and they are to be feared as much as we fear the terrorists. We have seen the enemy and it is US. It is our own government leaders. There is nothing that they wouldn't give up to get power. But when they start throwing our military soldiers under the bus its time for us to rise up.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
I've HAD it with those Liberal Democrats!
If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck and smells like a duck, its probably a duck.
If it looks like treason and sounds like treason and smells like treason, its probably treason.
In America, with friends like the Liberals, who needs enemies! We have met the enemy and it is US. America has more to fear from the Liberals than from any other enemy.
They do not put America's safety above all else. They put humiliating George Bush and making sure the war in Iraq is lost above all else. Time and time again, people say, they are Liberals first. That is there religion and you think, "No, that can't be true!". Then you hear that Harry Reid said the "War is Lost". and you wonder if the troops that are over there feel like he just stuck a knife in their backs. What must their families think. Harry Reid is a TRAITOR of the worst kind.
The last time I thought someone had committed treason was when Nancy Pelosi journeyed to Syria, against the President's wishes. She gave aid and comfort to the enemy. TRAITOR!
Before that it was John Kerry who was a TRAITOR! Let's see what do they all have in common? Oh, yes, they are the far left of the Democratic party, and horror of all horrors, they are in power. Their God is 'power'. Of course, their God can't win against George Bush's God, but they don't know that. They have been seduced by the lie.
I don't know if they are to be pitied, feared or mocked, or all 3 but for now, I think it's important that we call them what they are and treat them appropriately. They are committing Treason. They are traitors. They must be arrested and held for trial.
If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and smells like a duck, it's probably a duck.
If it looks like treason and sounds like treason and smells like treason, its probably treason.
In America, with friends like the Liberals, who needs enemies! We have met the enemy and it is US. America has more to fear from the Liberals than from any other enemy.
They do not put America's safety above all else. They put humiliating George Bush and making sure the war in Iraq is lost above all else. Time and time again, people say, they are Liberals first. That is there religion and you think, "No, that can't be true!". Then you hear that Harry Reid said the "War is Lost". and you wonder if the troops that are over there feel like he just stuck a knife in their backs. What must their families think. Harry Reid is a TRAITOR of the worst kind.
The last time I thought someone had committed treason was when Nancy Pelosi journeyed to Syria, against the President's wishes. She gave aid and comfort to the enemy. TRAITOR!
Before that it was John Kerry who was a TRAITOR! Let's see what do they all have in common? Oh, yes, they are the far left of the Democratic party, and horror of all horrors, they are in power. Their God is 'power'. Of course, their God can't win against George Bush's God, but they don't know that. They have been seduced by the lie.
I don't know if they are to be pitied, feared or mocked, or all 3 but for now, I think it's important that we call them what they are and treat them appropriately. They are committing Treason. They are traitors. They must be arrested and held for trial.
If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and smells like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Perfect Weather in the Phoenix area
What can be better than weather where you need neither Air Conditioning nor heat. Sleeping with the windows open with a cool breeze making for a great nights sleep. This will not last forever but already we have enjoyed a week of this while the rest of the country is in the deep freeze and shoveling snow. Makes it hard to understand why all those people stay in the northern states.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
my second tapestry/plaque for another granddaughter.

On the back it says this,
"When you look closely at this tapestry plaque you will see that while it is beautiful, it is far from perfect. Similarly, as you go along in life, you might choose friends who are not perfect. Yet, they might be beautiful on the inside or maybe even on the outside. Maybe some will be like you, beautiful both on the inside and the outside. But, no one will be perfect, and that is okay. (Only God is perfect.) Actually we gain strength from our imperfections and that strength helps to make us beautiful. So, be thankful of all the imperfect things in your friends, your life, in your family and even in the world, because blended together, they work together to make everything perfectly beautiful." Made for you with much love from Grandma
Saturday, January 20, 2007
A Beaded Tapestry for My Granddaughter
This is a pic
ture my latest beading project.
The pink board is 9x12. In the center is a beading tapestry glued to the board. The tapestry has about 9000 beads all sewn by me one at a time. I made this for my granddaughter for her 7th birthday. An explanation of the colors is glued on the back. I picked up the board and the pink paint at Wal-Mart in the craft department.

It says " Your Mom, Dad and your bothers are always close by and you can count on them. They surround you. They are the green. Your Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts, Great Uncles and Aunts adore you. They are the pink. Jesus loves you. He surrounds you and your family. He is the yellow. You will see that sometimes the pink vine is separated from the gold and sometimes they seem to run together. That's to remind you that even if sometimes it seems that we are very close and sometimes we are far away, either way we always love you very much. But, no matter what happens with anyone else, always know that Jesus is right there with you and He just loves the sound of your voice. Made for you with love from Grandma.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Isn't it all about what you expect?
If you expect the outside temperature to be 70 degrees and it is 50, you think it is unseasonably cold. But, if you expect the outside temperature to be 30 degrees and it is 50, you rejoice that it is unseasonably warm. So you see, its all in your expectations.
Is this where people get the idea to expect little so as not to be disappointed and be forced to adjust downward? I think might also be where this saying came from. "You might as well shoot for the moon because you're bound to land among the stars."
Is this where people get the idea to expect little so as not to be disappointed and be forced to adjust downward? I think might also be where this saying came from. "You might as well shoot for the moon because you're bound to land among the stars."
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