Sunday, August 16, 2009

Give us the Names!

Who were the Senators and Congressmen and Women who were willing to sign the Health Care Bill in its original form, before they left for the August break. We need all their names and we need to vote every last one of them out of office.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Let God back into our lives

This morning as I was doing my morning devotions, I pleaded with God and asked that He would 'rescue America' from the evil force that seems to be overtaking our country. What I heard from that still small voice was, "Why should I rescue America. You have removed me from the classroom and from the courtroom. You are even contemplating taking me off your money. Why indeed, should I Rescue America?"

I replied that in America there are still hundreds of thousands of God loving, God fearing Christian Americans, in spite of the 'pond scum' we have sent to Washington. But now, I think that instead of just asking God to 'Rescue America", we need to ask America to put God back into our schools and our courtrooms and stand up to the ACLU and AARP and our Congress. Get rid of those thugs and goons, and send some people to Washington who love America and love God more than they love Power and Control.