Thursday, January 03, 2008


Mike Huckabee is the early clear winner of the Iowa Caucus! WAHOO!!!!!!

Do you get sick of all the pundants saying it is only the Evangelical Christians that will vote for him so wait till New Hampshire?

What about New Hampshire? Are they all heathens who have no love for the country we have very nearly lost to the enemy?

What is with FOX News that they could barely bring themselves to talk about Huckabee winning? They only talked about the Democrats race.

On the radio today Sean Hannity was interviewing Romney and giving him sympathy for the nasty attack Huckabee did on him. UNBELIEVABLE!

When the new viewer ratings are posted, look for FOX News to have lost tons of viewers. Those of us who really want "fair an balanced" have moved on to MSNBC and CNN. We have even discovered the Bloomberg Network. Many other places to get the news. We do not need to give Sean or FOX News or for that matter Rush, our ears, our eyes, our minds, our time or our attention any more. They have shown their ugly manipulative side and it doesn't look good on them.

Now we are wondering what else they fed us in the past that was tainted or just plain not true. What they have been trying to spread about Huckabee is unforgiveable. With just a little bit of investigation into his website at, they could have discovered the truth.

They apparently want to believe the lies they have been told. They retell the lies and half truths as fact. Shame on them! I am so disappointed that they would not investigate to find out the truth about Mike Huckabee. I don't keep friends like that. Surely I will no longer let a news network into my home that outright lies about important issues. Shame on FOX News and shame on Sean Hannity! You have greatly disappointed me!

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