Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Response to AZ Republic Opnion of the Reverend Robin Hoover

This is in response to the Reverend Robin Hoover's article in the Opinion Section of the Arizona Republic, last Monday, 3/31/08. He says he would 'fall on the sword' of the Reverend Jerry Wright, (Obama's pastor of 20 years). He also claims that the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, is almost 'married to' the United Churches of Christ,

I can only speak of what I know as a member of the Sun City Christian church, Disciples of Christ. We have no connection to this apparently ignorant person or his radical beliefs.

He should know that the United Churches of Christ, as a group, disavowed any connection with Dr. Jerry Wright's radical church. So even if we were 'almost married to' the United Churches of Christ, which we aren't, it wouldn't apply in this case.

Dr. Wright, and one has to assume, his congregation, all hate America. They hate Jews, they hate white people and they especially hate rich white people.

Dr. Jerry Wright and his congregation awarded a medal of honor to Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan is a radical black man who also hates America and hates the Jews as well as countless other groups. Louis Farrakhan is currently the acting head of the Nation of Islam, and you know what they want to do to all of us 'non Muslims'.

Let me assure you that out here at the Sun City Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, we love our wonderful country. And how can you not love the Jews, for heaven's sake? Jesus was a Jew. His Mother Mary and Joseph the man who raised Him, were both Jews.

In my opinion, people who hate entire groups of people and those who hate this country, cannot rightly call themselves Christians. A Christian is loved with the unconditional, Agape Love of Jesus Christ. A Christian reflects that love in his/her life and daily activites.

We are about salvation and living eternally with Jesus in heaven. We are about our sins being forgiven because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. We are about love. We are not about hate. We may hate sin but we love the sinner.

At this point in the life of Sun City Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, we have recently called a new pastor, Dr. Steve Minor, who we expect will revitalize our aging congregation. Please know that we welcome visitors to our church and enthusiastically accept new members with open arms. We do not hear hate preached from the pulpit.

As for the Reverend Robin Hoover, wanting to throw himself onto the bigoted, racist, anti-American sword of Dr. Jerry Wright, I say, got on with it, if you must, but please know that I for one, and I believe that our congragation, at Sun City Christian Church want nothing to do with your ignorance or your supposed racist views.

Furthermore, we resent the implication that you speak for all Christian Churches, Disciples of Christ. Let me assure you that you do not speak for us out here in Sun City.

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