Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Huckabee group in Sun City, AZ!

Last evening, friends were over and we started discussing politics. We all agreed that we like Huckabee but the media has convinced us that he can't win.

Well, one thing led to another and pretty soon we were talking about, "If we all know so many people who like Huckabee, and we all vote for him in the primary, why can't he win?" He can win! And we are going to join a Huckabee group here in Sun City. If there is no group, we will start one and recruit more members and more members until we have a huge group.

We must tell everyone who has changed their registration to "Independent" that they cannot vote for Huckabee or any Republican in the primary. They should change it so they can vote in the primary and if they so choose, they can always change back to Independent after the election.

"I Like Mike!" Huckabee for President! I wonder if he has a song!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.