Saturday, November 10, 2007

Mike Huckabee is like a cup of Hot Chocolate

I remember as a child when the temperature outside was freezing and my sisters and I came in from ice skating to warm up. To our absolute delight, we discovered that mom had made hot chocolate.

It was delicious! It warmed our innards! It was nutritious, (back then it was made with milk)!. It made us feel like we were safe and warm. Even though we had been out in the freezing cold, sometimes dangerous winter weather, now we were in a safe place and would be nurtured and all was good with the world once again.

Mike Huckabee is like that. For some time now, the Democrats have tried to get us to believe that their 'sleeping with the enemy' was somehow going to work out for our best interests, when we knew instinctively, they were selling us down the river, a very dangerous river at that.

We longed for an uncomplicated, decent wholesome leader who would tell us the truth and by his leadership, bring us back to our moral foundations on which we were raised.

Thank God for Mike Huckabee! In God's perfect timing Huckabee has appeared. He and his message are as simple and as good and as easy to understand as a good warm cup of hot chocolate.

As for our family, it is an easy decision. We will do everything we possibly can to help get the word out. That word is "MIKE HUCKABEE FOR PRESIDENT"!

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