Monday, November 26, 2007

Chris Matthews "mocks" Huckabee for gun control

This morning I got up way before dawn hoping to catch glance at Huckabee being interviewed on the "Morning Joe" show on MSNBC.

I missed the interview but watched for a considerable length of time before I could confirm that I had missed it. What I did hear though was Chris Matthews calling in. His program is Hardball, later in the day. Matthews railed on and on mocking Huckabee for his stand on gun control. Chris said that Huckabee says we don't need our guns so much for hunting and protecting ourselves from criminals, as we need them for protecting ourselves from our government.

The New York News boys don't know or understand those of us out here in "fly over country". Huckabee is exactly right! Think about our life if a Democrat wins. All the guns will be ordered "turned in". Then only the criminals and the government will have the guns. Then we are at their mercy. Lord help us!

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