Thursday, November 15, 2007

Don't Put Limits on what God can do and is doing for Mike Huckabee

In reading some of the blogs, I sense some frustration when he is not treated with the love and respect we all have for him. I say, "Don't worry!"

Remember that the same God that Mike Huckabee has loved and served all his life, is the God of 'miracles' who fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2-3 fish. He is the same "Awesome God" that we all love to sing about.

He is not limited by the range and scope of the TV and the Radio and the Blogs. He is the God who turned water into wine at the wedding feast, and who healed and still heals the sick. The "unChristian" on the other teams will not understand what we know and love to be true about God. This may be a time to show them, "The Love of Jesus".

Remember to always put your best foot forward. Especially when we represent a phenomenal human being such as Mike Huckabee. We owe it to him and to everyone on the team to always take the high road. We claim to have values. The world is watching to see if that is really true. You never know who is watching you or listening to you. "You may be the only Bible some people will ever read."

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