Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Beautiful Love

The other day we witnessed a most beautiful example of love. An elderly couple, (that's anyone older than us), was leaving a cafe at the same time we did. It soon became clear that the woman had Dementia or Alzheimer's.

The husband stood at the door gently beckoning her to come with him. She stood by me as we paid I asked her, "Does he want you to go with him? "Yes," she said, as she looked at me with the impish smile of a misbehaving child.

It was then that I saw the patient face of this gentle loving man. After he was able to encourage her to leave the cafe, they both sat down on an outside bench for a spell. They sat for a few moments until she was comforable on the bench. He had to leave her there on the bench for a minute while he walked just a few steps to the parking area to bring the car to her curbside. I guessed that he had learned from past experience to take everything, where she was involved, in very small steps.

But, what touched me was the look on his face. I saw no frustration and no impatience. I only saw gentle patience and love. I wondered if she knew when she married him that God had given her a virtual saint in the form of a husband. I felt honored to have been a witness to this tender display of love.

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