Thursday, November 09, 2006

Heading West

Today is our last day of wood carving instruction. Tomorrow we will begin our journey from Texas to Arizona where we will stay until February.

Arizona has been inundated by people from California so the state is changing from a pretty solidly conservative state to one that didn't even pass the new marriage law in the recent election. This is also the state that has "Sheriff Joe" of Maricopa County who makes his prisoners learn English, wear pink underwear and eat baloney sandwiches. The result is prisoners do whatever they can to make sure they don't have to return to his jail. What a concept! Sheriff Joe for President!

Anyway, back to wood carving. Richard is "relief carving" a picture of an eagle. It is turning out really well. I think he may have discovered something within him. He is loving this wood carving. He will be able to make things and give to his grandsons that they can hold onto.

I am learning "chip carving". It is not rocket science but if you don't hold the knife just right and if you don't concentrate, (at first anyhow), it is hard to make the chips come out exactly the way you want. I am determined, though, to develop this skill. The things one can make with chip carving, are breathtaking works of art. Hopefully one day, something I have made will be considered a work of art and something for my kids and grandkids to cherish.

What could be better?!

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