Thursday, November 23, 2006

Take back our Christan Heritage!

One of our great strengths as a country is being a country of choices. That great quality may also be our country's undoing.

We celebrate Christmas...the birth of baby Jesus. But because it isn't celebrated by everyone, in some places we can no longer say "Merry Christmas". It should instead by "Season's Greetings." In most schools it's not "Christmas Vacation", rather it's Winter Break. Of course the Winter Break always falls over the Christmas holiday.

Funny that It doesn't seem to bother these people at all to take off from work on Christmas Day with a paid day off and receive gifts during this season.

We've gone so far the other way, bent over backwards in an effort not to offend anyone, that now WE are offended. But the secular world is not bothered at all by Christians being offended. We need to take back our country and the Christian Heritage on which it was founded.

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